Manufacturing ERP software is not all the same. Historical ERP software solutions involve painful implementation projects followed by challenging periodic updates – often forcing companies to go years without updating their ERP system. Meanwhile, these same companies lose value day after day as new features and functions elude them, only implemented with the next painful ‘big bang’ upgrade.
Modern manufacturing ERP software from E-aaria takes a different approach. No more waiting. No more upgrades. New features are added to a single line of code, shared instantly with all E-aaria customers. Those customers not only realize renewed value daily, but share best practices real time with other peer E-aaria customers, all of which have access to exactly the same features, functions and capabilities enabled by a true, single ERP software code SaaS cloud offering.
ERP software solutions should truly be just that; solutions. Manufacturers are often tempted by ERP software vendors touting strong financial, accounting, and even retail ERP software solutions and systems. None of these, however, do the one thing they need particularly well – manufacturing.
E-aaria is different, offering the only ERP software solution built from the ground up in the cloud and focused exclusively on manufacturing. At E-aaria, we know manufacturing isn’t just part of the business: manufacturing is the business. The aAtom ERP software solution is purpose-built to fit your manufacturing business needs, evolving with you while adding value daily.
Manufacturing ERP software is not all the same. aAtom can help you be different.
A complete ERP to automate all your business operations end-to-end without heavy investment.
Requires no particular hardware/software configuration, additional maintenance and support cost, and highly paid IT staff. Moreover, works on ‘pay-as-you-go’ subscription model.
Assures extremely secured environment with disaster recovery facility running 24x7.
Needs only web browser and network connection that can be accessed from desktop, laptop or mobile devices; anytime, anywhere
Easy start-up with a minimum number of users. Moreover, flexible enough to increase number of licenses whenever required.
Automatic software upgrades, regular data backup and 99.9% uptime with a supreme Disaster Recovery plan assures that system is always current, up-to-date up, running and always available.
ERP sans all those hitches of implementation and workarounds. Thanks to our team for having good Experience in Process Manufacturing arena and a highly qualified plus expert task force.
Makes your staff more productive, improves operational efficiency, and thus helps you realize ROI faster.
We make software so that you can focus on what you do best.Administrative processes are often tedious, so why not automate them? All the various department use same software: Marketing,Sales,HR,Finance and other colleagues all use the same data. Storing your data once and using it throughout the organization ensures efficient operations.
Personalize your ERP and cloud implementation with added functionality for your specific needs
Increase user adoption and overcome fear of the unknown with training (on site or vedio) and documentation
A switch to a new ERP is a complex process,but a great opportunity for process mapping and design.
Our team can help you align,prioritize,and execute on your most difficult challenges.